How does VO work?
The National Grid delivers, on average, 242 volts to all UK users. With voltage optimised, electrical equipment works at optimum cost efficiency at 220 volts. All supply above 220v is waste.
Through Ohm’s law, optimising voltage on any supply produces instant kWh savings of up to 19%, which will give an instant reduction in electricity bills and carbon footprint. In addition, and as confirmed by the UK’s wiring regulations (BS7671), any electrical equipment required to work at 242v, will suffer a reduced working life by up to 46%.
Don’t just take our word for it…
Frankie and Benny’s
Energy Manager | The Restaurant Group
”We used Voltage Optimisation on over 200 sites delivered over a two year period. We are very happy with the system in the form of the process, technology and the benefits it provides.”
Energy Manager | NEXT Retail
”Ashmere Solutions did a lot of footwork and provided us with a lot of technical information. The company has a great deal of knowledge and provides bespoke options. Everything the company offers, delivers the savings they say will happen, or more!”
DW Fitness
Energy Manager | Fitness First
“It is the combined effect of a range of options that gave us the edge in terms of savings with VO. We’re delighted with the knowledge, speed of delivery and results that this firm has given us!”
What is Voltage Optimisation?
Put simply, Voltage Optimisation is a form of Voltage Management specifically designed for reducing energy consumption. Voltage Optimisation is a term used around voltage management when a desire to reduce energy consumption by up to 20% is managed by adjusting and controlling voltage levels on a user’s site.
Voltage optimisation is a transformer based technology, the principal is based around supplying a voltage level more suitable to the actual electrical device in order for it to perform its task more efficiently and in line with limits of European harmonised voltage while basic design is a low loss series connected transformer designed to optimise a whole site or individual loads to target the most optimisable loads.